Well today I showed one of my latest craft, always keep the trays from the supermarket where it comes from the fruit, meat etc ... and finally decided to give them useful by some simple picture frames that got stopped in my daughter's bedroom. An easy job, low cost and above all a simple thing you can do with your children, we must also take into account that recycle material and that's good for the environment, if I encourage you to recycle and funny.
- supermarket shelves
- paper thin blade
- Cardboard
- acrylic paints
- tape double-sided adhesive
- glue.
1. using the blade taking into account the size of the photos, cut the desired shape.
2. With the surplus will decorative motifs for the frame (flowers, letters, numbers, etc ...)
3. paint the frame and decorations to your liking.
4. cardboard cut slightly larger than the size of the photo and using the glue, we will stick to the back of the frame covering the gap, we will open the hole through which will put the photo.
5. Glue the decorations with adhesive, to give more effect we can put them at different heights.
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