opened the elevator door and ... ... ... ... ... ... .. He climbed into an older couple, which did not leave astonished to see that we two were kissing and digging a hand, I have the impression that gave them a little creepy touch to the buttons on the elevator, I am convinced that if not for the age would have preferred to go down the stairs, jjjjjjjjjjjjj.
She pulled the key from her purse while I had attached to a teat and one hand on your waist, opening leaving me turned my back completely against the wall, subject my hands on top of my head of a kick closed the front door, bit my lower lip and placed his knee in my crotch, his eyes locked on mine, was defiant, perverse. I pull on it letting me down on the carpet that covered the entire the living room, rubbing my lips with yours, pat your face with the tip of my nose, she closed her eyes and kissed her tenderly, I went up to her forehead and a little on my chest, leaving his mouth.
she tried a bite and again without success, so they struggle with me so angry that I put on me again, in his eyes I saw a grudge and I was becoming more and more horny.
Sitting on her belly, pat his face, neck, slide my hands very gently on her blouse feeling in your nipples and excited them, once you reach your waist unzip each of its buttons dropping blouse at the sides of your body, put my hands warm in her bra and feel her breasts, she sat on a single drive and my ass callus between her legs, our mouths were triggered in the desire and the desire to devour and be devoured.
At that moment the game is over, the delicate, almost be stripped us, gave us snacks right and left, who were between pain and arousal.
She pulled the key from her purse while I had attached to a teat and one hand on your waist, opening leaving me turned my back completely against the wall, subject my hands on top of my head of a kick closed the front door, bit my lower lip and placed his knee in my crotch, his eyes locked on mine, was defiant, perverse. I pull on it letting me down on the carpet that covered the entire the living room, rubbing my lips with yours, pat your face with the tip of my nose, she closed her eyes and kissed her tenderly, I went up to her forehead and a little on my chest, leaving his mouth.
she tried a bite and again without success, so they struggle with me so angry that I put on me again, in his eyes I saw a grudge and I was becoming more and more horny.
Sitting on her belly, pat his face, neck, slide my hands very gently on her blouse feeling in your nipples and excited them, once you reach your waist unzip each of its buttons dropping blouse at the sides of your body, put my hands warm in her bra and feel her breasts, she sat on a single drive and my ass callus between her legs, our mouths were triggered in the desire and the desire to devour and be devoured.
At that moment the game is over, the delicate, almost be stripped us, gave us snacks right and left, who were between pain and arousal.
She took my hand and dragged me into the bathroom, leaned over to me to plug the tub and my mouth stayed glued inertia in that sweet food, kissing her lips and stroking with my tongue as she tried to temper the water and pressed her ass against my face. With my head almost resting on the edge of the tub my hands massaging her breasts ... ... .... Uffffffffffff that were rich and my tongue up and down her wet slit.

Even without the tub was full of everything she got into it, Hai was with that look challenging and with that face ... ... ... ...., I stand behind it my pussy sticking her ass, my breasts to his back and my hands roamed down to its rich slit, rubbing her clit, I put my fingers as deeply as possible and I removed inside the mouth while we ate, we exchanged our groans and heavy breathing, she asked me to eat it, said he wanted to feel my breath hai down and as I am an obedient girl so I did, the fully reclined in the bath and plunged my face between his feet , just out from it to get some air, I asked him to kneel and lie down underneath me taking my tongue and passing from their anus to her clit, my tongue plunged into their holes and while rubbing her clitoris with the palm of my hand she was dropped completely in my mouth when I was about to began to rub all over my face and moan as if they were killing, I thought for a moment that to see if the neighbors would call the police, but once he ran over my face just thinking swallow everything ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... CONTINUARAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.
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