As every weekend I was preparing to go out with friends and like every weekend dislodge entire wardrobe looking for some clothes, I buy my but ... ... ... ... that after one or two made me stop liking as it is, finally leaving aside that I am a disaster s ... ... ... .. Continue with the story.
the end after trying almost all the clothes I decided on a maroon dress of Asillo, bare back and chest at peak is accompanied by a bolero jacket. I fit about 8 cm heels and my game bag, went for the car keys and headed for our meeting place.
Entering was a fiasco, those fuckers were all pants and shirts, when they saw me enter the box broke down laughing at me.
But halfway through the night was I who laughed at them because they had achieved all put their eyes on me, I felt observed and horny, I let go of my bullfighter leaving open back, I lean over the table to take my martini and my ass and leave it checked, a guy approached me and invited me a drink, but ... ... .. decline the invitation and had one in hand.
As I approached the dance floor, saw her, her blonde hair and blue eyes hit me, our eyes met and my full lips parted to let a mischievous smile, she far from being intimidated smiled back, so I went to his table and asked if he was alone .... I did that was with friends, watch your hands between them was an empty cup, I asked him what was taking, told me that champagne, were celebrating the birthday of a friend, I asked him if he wanted to take something with me, she smiled again and I wonder if trying to seduce what I told him that if he had not yet achieved.
I transfer with that look heavenly, I felt like I was excited just by looking at her, she told me not used to drink a lot because he did not control, I told her not to worry that I controlled by the two I invite you to sit down, I told him if he wanted a martini, I said yes, I went to the bar and ordered a Martini white and one red.

Upon reaching the table again put two glasses on her and gave her a choice, the truth is that it took to decide, she caught me white and red.
I told him if I could prove his martini and he wanted to test me, I approach the glass to his mouth, but I take your hand and close my mouth to her mouth, wet your finger in your glass and pass their lips and then dip your finger in my glass and pass through my lips, she was blushing and my mouth was on hers and closed his eyes waiting for it to come, so without further expansion sank my lips into hers, my hands holding her porcelain face and did not stop to contemplate while we kissed.

I very gently separated from her mouth and asked him what he liked best Martini, she smiled shyly and asked again that if you have not had seduced her, we both laughed, one of her friends came for she went to another disk I look with a sad face and she smiled again, told her friend who stayed, he would call then and now reunited with them.
Her friend was so upset, but ... ... ... .. she did not care.
Now that I have seduced, but the fact is that seduced me, ask your name ... ... .. Sandra, she asked me mine ... ... Delia.
Now that I have seduced, but the fact is that seduced me, ask your name ... ... .. Sandra, she asked me mine ... ... Delia.
I walked a bit more, I took her hand and notice how this trembling, interlock my fingers with his and pull both hands to her thigh, stroking up and down and noticing your breathing ever more hectic.
Looking at her I realized she did not stop people watching, I asked him if he was uncomfortable, he said he preferred to go elsewhere, to my house?, Told me that if he was away to what I replied that fifteen minutes is closer to mine told me, as we expect ... ... .. answer.
We left the club and the street took my hand and sped up, I said that if in a hurry and further accelerate the pace.

enter the building and headed for the elevator, hit the 5 that was the last plant, I hug and kiss behind your neck looking at his reaction mirrors in the elevator, my hands encircled his waist, to rise slowly to her breasts, she made her head back, I bit the clavicle while my hands squeezing her breasts against the glass and stick my hand down to put it in his pants hai and opened the door, we left the elevator and ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ....
Well better a second part that I do not want anyone to get bored ... ... ... ... ...
not even go there masssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss.
not even go there masssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss.
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