Today I want to thank the blog eltramonta http://antiguosoles.blogspot.com .
detail has had a less than beautiful and hang it in my blog.
I dedicated an entry and I leave you know him here for everyone.
besazo and a big hug.
do not mind I hope you hang it on my blog.
https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEh-OYRtcn4nOjBrEOSXx83RJEx9kDEUtFjvq26cmL46E4EGCzMyT-dvdbRaoZHdtWGS8wzPMMe545cc3f2StCqvQ-JGV1kY6yG6zWDi3FkBLyeXkNy2pMkzKI4FmnllbE5PXSqsXDwQyKM/s400/nude-couple-ab1.jpgMientras in Mendoza, in the middle of December, The Zonda, our warm, dry north wind, raises even more the heat of passion and a day of summer in Spain, where she lives to feel alive even though his heart was no longer helpless, snow accumulates in almost all península.Claramente, we will love here in December and in July there but always, making possible our vitales.13 architectures - Architecture imposiblesA five in the morning one day in diciembretus breasts prisoners awake my body besos.Tu lover extendidosinusoidal long bow strokes and deep llankaneloamanecerá and early to volcanes.Muy your usual is-evening-I-leave one hour this day indefinitely regia diciembrela any skin of your outline will dilatadaen the exact size of the asombros.Sin tremors or darkness, in stillness laxasmis wooden hands on your waist awkward apprentices lagunaserán of horizontepara too many moons pass us from five of the slow day mañanade diciembre.Sucederán hours this day the sun cualquieracuando tendamoshaga us we fly into a thousand fires throats incendiariaspenetrando languages, exploring subterráneasel wing of our párpados.A pájarosembriagando dawns when five of the diciembrele mañanade happen that day length and latitude in quantities then naturalesy other hours and hours and incomprehensible dimensiones.Para different then, the fire of our bodies swift fires, building architectures imposibles.Los incansablesseguirá fingers continue their mazes misteriososdesgarrando solemnes.En urbanites robes that morning so unique that day's single diciembrelibres locks our eyes will making the three walls of the part above lonely mountain air faint evanescent epitelios.Más latitudes will be more tardeun later become so obvious ... There will be verifiable and spent five hours in the mañanade another grueling hot day diciembre.Pero it will not matter the time and during that morning only a single day of our cuerpospenetrándose diciembre.Lo indelible mark with such depth .... but are furious their wings fly cariciasy tibiezasnuestros latitude seas languid wood and our mouths are únicaslas only sailors on those ships water mañanade five in the day an individual's unique diciembre.Seremos to be so naked, but so naked! that scream coraje.Prisioneros passion are full of useless corners of crazed dogs casasaquellos that stunned the smooth howling moons pechos.Nuestros bare your bodies will be so light and shamelessly jump evanescentesque obscenosel ventanasa sill all five in the mañanade one day in late diciembre.Más will later become so obvious ... There will last one day, that one Diaye her five hours, and no longer that morning mañanala diciembre.Pero single time will not matter and its indelible mark transcursoporque what our cuerposaunque begins to be passed this time that Diaye mañanahaya envejecidoel five in the last day of December.
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