is a mineral composed silicon dioxide (SiO2). It is not likely to peel, because crystallizes in the trigonal (rhombohedral). Colorless in pure can take many shades if you bring impurities (APO). Its hardness is such that it can scratch the common steels.
is the most abundant mineral in the earth's crust and the major component of many igneous rocks (like granite), metamorphic (quartzite and gneiss) and sedimentary (sand and sandstone). The most common crystals are prismatic and bipyramidal trapezohedral. The twins are most abundant in Brazil and Dauphine. Often in the form of pockets of great beauty. It also appears in blobs, usually milky.
Most quartz is magmatic origin, although can also be formed from hydrothermal solutions and metamorphic processes.
Some microorganisms, such as certain algae and foraminifera, have a shell of SiO2. Quartz deposits are widespread in the crust.
well crystallized quartz and transparent used in the manufacture of optical instruments and precision electronics. Some varieties are seen as precious and semiprecious stones.
is used as a flux in metallurgy, in the industries of glass and ceramics, as an abrasive, etc..
We can find different varieties with different optical characteristics. Fenocristalinas varieties are presented in well-developed crystals, from transparent to translucent. These varieties can be found:
rock or quartz crystal hyaline, colorless, transparent and clear, widely used in jewelry and in the manufacture of optical instruments.
Smoky Quartz: is brown. Morion is a variety of smoky quartz stone highly prized as fine. Citrine Quartz
: light yellow to golden yellow.
Jacinto de Compostela: a reddish color.
Rose Quartz.
Quartz quartz or sapphire blue.
Ojo de tigre: yellow or brown.
Hawk Eye: blue.
Cat's eye: gray-green.
Chalcedon or cryptocrystalline varieties: made up of microscopic crystals, usually of bright waxy and translucent to opaque. Within this group we can find Agatha.
Onyx or Onyx: zoned structure with light and dark layers. Plasma
: green due to inclusions of chlorite and amphibole.
prase: dark green. Flint
: greyish, widely used since the time for making cutting tools because of its remarkable hardness and its causes fracture edges sharp.
or sardonic sardonyx: orange.
Heliotrope: dark green with red spots. Carnelian or canicola
: bright red uniform. Jasper
: intense and varied coloration due to the presence of inclusions.
Opal: with the same composition as quartz but no crystalline structure. It is an amorphous mineral.
Quartz is a major mineral that appears in our region and that all mining points are remnants of quartz crystals. Logrosán can be found in the finest examples of quartz crystals that can be found in Extremadura.
Etymology: German Quarz.
Crystallization: trigonal system (rhombohedral).
Density: 2.65.
Hardness: 7.
Color: colorless or with different colors.
Brightness: vitreous to greasy. Raya
: white.
is the most abundant mineral in the earth's crust and the major component of many igneous rocks (like granite), metamorphic (quartzite and gneiss) and sedimentary (sand and sandstone). The most common crystals are prismatic and bipyramidal trapezohedral. The twins are most abundant in Brazil and Dauphine. Often in the form of pockets of great beauty. It also appears in blobs, usually milky.
Most quartz is magmatic origin, although can also be formed from hydrothermal solutions and metamorphic processes.
Some microorganisms, such as certain algae and foraminifera, have a shell of SiO2. Quartz deposits are widespread in the crust.
well crystallized quartz and transparent used in the manufacture of optical instruments and precision electronics. Some varieties are seen as precious and semiprecious stones.
is used as a flux in metallurgy, in the industries of glass and ceramics, as an abrasive, etc..
We can find different varieties with different optical characteristics. Fenocristalinas varieties are presented in well-developed crystals, from transparent to translucent. These varieties can be found:
rock or quartz crystal hyaline, colorless, transparent and clear, widely used in jewelry and in the manufacture of optical instruments.
Smoky Quartz: is brown. Morion is a variety of smoky quartz stone highly prized as fine. Citrine Quartz
: light yellow to golden yellow.
Jacinto de Compostela: a reddish color.
Rose Quartz.
Quartz quartz or sapphire blue.
Ojo de tigre: yellow or brown.
Hawk Eye: blue.
Cat's eye: gray-green.
Chalcedon or cryptocrystalline varieties: made up of microscopic crystals, usually of bright waxy and translucent to opaque. Within this group we can find Agatha.
Onyx or Onyx: zoned structure with light and dark layers. Plasma
: green due to inclusions of chlorite and amphibole.
prase: dark green. Flint
: greyish, widely used since the time for making cutting tools because of its remarkable hardness and its causes fracture edges sharp.
or sardonic sardonyx: orange.
Heliotrope: dark green with red spots. Carnelian or canicola
: bright red uniform. Jasper
: intense and varied coloration due to the presence of inclusions.
Opal: with the same composition as quartz but no crystalline structure. It is an amorphous mineral.
Quartz is a major mineral that appears in our region and that all mining points are remnants of quartz crystals. Logrosán can be found in the finest examples of quartz crystals that can be found in Extremadura.
Etymology: German Quarz.
Crystallization: trigonal system (rhombohedral).
Density: 2.65.
Hardness: 7.
Color: colorless or with different colors.
Brightness: vitreous to greasy. Raya
: white.
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