Friday, November 2, 2007

Waterproof Tent Trailer

Speaking of numbers Sixteen

With the famous Bolivar Fuerte something strange happens: as
Law on Currency be rounded as follows:
"less than zero point five (0.5) cents is equal to the lower cent, while ... less than zero point five (0.5) cents shall be equal to the nearest cent "
In mathematical expression: X
BsF <0.005 entonces X=0.00
BsF then X = 0,005 X = 0.01
BsF X> 0.005 then X = 0.01
For example, if we BsF 0,125 BsF then be rounded to 0.13.

Make Money
We never stop the picturesque side, then when framing the reform our president in his weekly reminder of a story as a child, his grandmother, the loach, savings, whatever, I do not, etc. and concludes that the loach will return. The best thing is that currency raises an absurdity because under the decree must always round the zero point five cents, that is, it legally BsF loach 0.13. Joke

repeated confusing
The same situation happened in "Alo Presidente" a couple of months ago when Chavez and his older brother, Minister of Education, staged the show " Adam acláranoslo "had no idea if the clock forward or backward to the famous time change. We must therefore review the draft amendment to the constitution in stride.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Impetigo Dogs And Humans


What is just is not cheating
The proposed reform of the constitution proposes to reduce the voting age to 16 years. I guess if that age is considered mature enough to participate electorally then the people who will benefit by this amendment should require the same recognition in other areas, such as equal in rights and duties of every citizen mature.

At 16 can't-buy

alcohol, cigarettes Buy
-Drive vehicles lawfully
- Unauthorized travel
-Work Offline authorization
-marry without permission
-View movies "D" in film-Buy

porn magazines and many other things.

In Venezuela there is a high percentage of young population in fact the population pyramid has a broad base. I do not understand what can bring real benefits to this policy change, perhaps just missed reaching the "10 million for the crop." I do not mind.

Friday, September 7, 2007

Makloo's Male Animal Genitalia Gallery

The s bikes every day take a greater role in Caracas (and Venezuela), ranging from uniform and organized motorcycle taxi stops with shelters and telephone service, to motorized stealing herds organized as groups of such vehicles Discovery Channel. It is difficult to continue printing, but the weekend saw on a street in a banner reading Patora MotoLavado , it appears that in the parking lot of a house sat a guy who was responsible for cleaning bikes, just like a small car wash. If I took my camera to take pictures.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Can You Eat Grapefruit With Coversyl

Participatory Democracy? Venezuelan

I have not read it slow all the modifications that Chavez raised in the draft reform of the constitution, but leaves much to be desired everything that happens around the issue.

One of the basic problems I was talking to my brother the other day, in this case, participatory democracy would mean that each person votes for the items you want to be changed, on the other side of the coin, representative democracy mean that citizens assume that Members (President, etc.) by those who voted have sufficient capacity to make the best legislative decisions, so that with a block vote would approve the reform altogether.

So far I've heard deputies, ministers and other figures from the government or pro-government arguing that the 33 changes are part of the same approach ... yeah right, as if all they referred to the same subject, and would in any case where participatory democracy?

PS: I leave a link The Universal where the 33 modifications proposed in the draft constitutional reform SUBMITTED TO until now.

Monday, August 6, 2007

My Acoustic Solutions Tv Keeps Turning Off

the X-Games Battles Designer

Daniel Dhers, Venezuela on Saturday took first place in BMX Park finals at X-Games.

Note: Neither I know, and I like bikes, but I find it very horny to win.

More information:
El Universal
X-Games Results

Monday, July 9, 2007

Lohri Invitation Print

Much of what we do on the computer becomes a reality, is constructed.

On the other hand, some think that this can happen at any time.

PS: I would have liked to put the name in English, but it sounded weird.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Texas Title Insurance Rates 2010 Table

Stick Figure 2-Peru 0 Venezuela, and other data

group First
Venezuela has yesterday (Saturday 30/06/2007) to Peru for his second victory in the history of the Copa America. We saw two differences in the debut against Bolivia (where we tied) the team played better (but still missing) and the fans more involved in the stadium. This time also accompanied us luck and the referee, and the other part, Peru had not shown the strength against Uruguay (thank goodness), I guess that influences the psychological blow of having one less player.

Things to change
Arango had to do a lot of defensive work and there was nobody to take his position offensively. Nor can we allow that Ricardo David (son of the coach) to take actions that lead children to deportation for a second yellow.

I listen to an interesting point in the transmission yesterday (I could confirm today): Venezuela participated for the first time in 29 edition of the America's Cup 1967, playing their first game against Chile and had to use the uniform of the club Peñarol because they had only been to the tournament a single kit that had a red color similar to the Chilean team. That same year Venezuela to Bolivia won his only match until yesterday.

Plan B
In that edition the participating countries were: Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay and Venezuela. Had refused to participate: Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru.

Why had not hosted before?
just not playing us, we were not prepared or had a more or less decent level of football. Locations
America's Cup since participated: 1967 Uruguay (29), 1975 Round Trip (30), 1979 Round Trip (31), 1983 Round Trip (32), 1987 Argentina (33), 1989 Brazil (34), 1991 Chile (35), 1993 Ecuador (36), 1995 Uruguay (37), 1997 Bolivia (38), 1997 Paraguay (39), 2001 Colombia (40), 2004 Peru (41), 2007 Venezuela (42).

Economic data
According Reuters: "Venezuela, a country passionate about baseball and with little soccer tradition, has invested over 1,000 million dollars to stage the tournament's oldest teams in football history against the just over 20 million dollars with which Peru was to organize the 2003 edition. " Probably it took to repair the existing stadiums and build new ones, I hope that when the cup is over there promoting and supporting football. What can be criticized is that there are stages where there will be a single game.

is strange to see games because you are unsure Tves if passing game a day or 20 years ago: Daddy narrating while the image is blurred. Venezolana de Televisión Perhaps would have been better, but they will gave the right to Tves sensor transmission.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

No Fog Bathroom Mirror

seems that Hall was not finished

Updating the previous post
I just read in the El Universal "There Michelena Salon 2008"

addition, under article Ateneo de Valencia are not clear about the politicization of the classroom.

Friday, June 15, 2007

How To Build Wooden Mudroom Storage Lockers

Michelena Michelena No more room? Human Tetris

first and only attempt (for now)
last year for the first time I sent a draft work to Salon Michelena unfortunately not accepted me also feel pain and loss go to Valencia travel . Nor have I gone to see any Michelena, it is difficult to have a quiet weekend to travel to Valencia, in fact, he visited a friend there for over 6 years. The point is that for catalogs, newspaper, internet or comments from people, I've heard of people who have participated (including my favorite artist Claudia Bueno), I have even seen photos of various works.

Gazette Extraordinary 2303
* Today I read on the page The Carabobeño the governor Acosta Carles had eliminated the funds for the hall, leaving would also contribute to other organizations and cultural institutions. I wonder what explanation may have to do such things, especially because they promote disclosure scenarios and benefits many people (spectators, artists, etc), and we're back in Venezuela Arabia, I think it's hard not to have more resources to meet whatever on what they will spend that money now. Venezuelan Fauna

Acosta Carles do not know if it is a good governor, for just this weekend started to collect signatures for recall, but I know it's all a media figure, who sings and writes , even has his TV show (as discipleship) called "Hello my people," but the best is that it adds entertainment to the issue ** belching, chewing microphones, etc., but what has led to a higher level is his role as a thinker XXI century socialism, arguing that it is perfectly normal for a revolutionary to have a Hummer ***.

found in Aporrea Geronimo an article and a Antón José Sant Roz that make me think that I am right in thinking that this ex-military is just another clown.

Notes: * I could not confirm this information with another source.
**: can also explain their behavior.
***: sorry just have gotten a video that has been placed by something called the Contrahojilla, ignoring that, how important is the message.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Free Online Seating Chart Templet

guess that most people have access to computers must have played Tetris or at least have a clue what that is.

This game influenced my life at some point, long ago, but I know people who still enjoy it. Most likely, you have influenced my thinking, as Russian cosmonauts, and help me while I was in college, even now.

obviously has transcended all barriers and the Japanese have taken a level further, always. was laughing so long without a video of YouTube, so take the opportunity to place here, playing to relax once in a while.

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Waxing Landing Strip Images example or chance

The non-renewal of RCTV has had an impact: protests (peaceful and violent) in favor and against, days with much (or little) tail, increased information search on the Internet, I began to post, the inevitability of creating this blog, etc.

One of these days was in news search, I visited the news section page CANTV, which functions as a native google news, and I liked it because it contained a variety considerable news agency.

My surprise is that no longer appeared as sources: radio connection, as such, Globovision lavinotinto, etc., But were: Agencia Bolivariana de Noticias, Radio Nacional de Venezuela, Venevision, diariovea, MinCI, Venezuelan Telesur television (get tested). Mind you, I do not care what means they appear, provided that there are different points of view, even the most obvious is to remove lavinotinto as a news source.

Fact 1: The page news disappeared CANTV all means not keep the editorial policy of government, including non-political topics .

Then I found out that the forum of CANTV had eliminated all political issues, whether pro-government or opposition, following the new rules publishing company. The truth is that the forums in general, I do not like, sometimes the quality is low, but they are a valid escenerario to comment and talk with people who think differently.

Fact 2: The page forums disappeared CANTV political issues .

The first fact is undoubtedly political, the sources are only those that are under the control of the Venezuelan state and Venevision (keeping the same editorial line.) The second fact is anti-political, eliminating one of the places where people could express themselves, no matter what their point of view.

There are two options: a simple coincidence or this is the future of telecommunications.

Note: CANTV has changed because it belongs to the Venezuelan state, but is not owned, this is the other critical part.

Friday, June 1, 2007

Wikpedia Brazilian Waxing

Being very fussy. Previously
blogs seemed a waste of time, both for those who write and for those who read it, and it sounds unlucky, then I discovered it may be an interesting place to talk with people who have different points of view, of course Very few blogs are worthwhile, you may find yourself saying any atrocities or fan cabezahueca wondering what song is in, but some interesting themes developed real information and a more or less critical, emotional Caribbean like a curse in a country dominated by the media and politics.

In a blog post.
The origin of this blog is about a post concerning demonstrations (peaceful and violent) by the non-renewal of RCTV and Inavi gunmen. Many times people think that Venezuela is too complicated, perhaps something learned from the media, if you have sympathy for something that went wrong then you hide or minimize the same time you make a fuss about something minor (in comparison) provided they do not feel identified. The second problem is how easy it is to stereotype us people know many examples in all fields. Back then, I recommended creating my own blog, I guess it has to do with the credibility of the person who posts, but also not irritate other bloggers.

Wikipedia to the rescue.
talks with emotional and stereotypes was easy to think of a name for the blog.
"The cliché is a word, phrase or idea considered as a language service for being too able or excessive use or worn.
presents one or more of the following characteristics:
Demonstrates little imagination who expresses it. Replaces the search for ideas original or creative and worn by others. Evidence to be copied or stolen from someone else's idea. Frequently used in political discourse as a tool of demagoguery
to deceive or disguise the truth. Simplify an idea or concept that might merit qualified. "

More (or less) of the same.
Writing takes time, so I hope to use the best possible way, commenting on everyday events, trying to avoid the "platitudes" and talks Dona type (full of assumptions). is probably a policy rate, inevitable living in the polis. I look forward to a few post comments in the future, not trying to be famous, but I worry a blogger become autistic.

Greetings to my imaginary friends, invisible, whatever.